Competency 5

Engage in Professional Development

Artifact 5.1 – EDCI 672 – Final Reflection Paper – Developing ID Expertise

Artifact 5.2 – Professional Resume

Overview of the Artifact
Artifact 5.1 – EDCI 672 – Final Reflection Paper – Developing ID Expertise – In this paper, I analyze my own work throughout EDCI 672. In it, I analyze the four case studies that I completed during the course and analyze my own ability to identify the problem and develop viable solutions to fixing the problem. In it, I also determine my own “Plan of Action” for how I plan to continue growing my expertise as an instructional designer.

Artifact 5.2 – Professional Resume – This is my own personal resume detailing my work history, my educational history, my skills and talents, and my professional associations.

Demonstrates the disposition for life-long learning and continuous professional development
In Artifact 5.1, I specifically note that I still have a long way to go before becoming an ID expert, yet look forward to the journey ahead. I think this artifact does an excellent job of demonstrating my disposition for life-long learning because of my willingness to admit that I am not yet an expert in the field. In this course, we examined many definitions of what it means to be an “expert,” and specifically what it means to be an expert in the field of LDT. I don’t believe I am there yet, but this artifact goes to show that I am grateful for the journey ahead and look forward to continuing my learning.

I also mentioned artifact 5.2, my professional resume, because it shows my current strive towards becoming an ID expert and continuing my professional development as it relates to LDT. I am currently a member of a number of LDT groups: E-Learning Guild, E-Learning Network, and the International Society for Performance Improvement. Each of these groups providing constant updates to the field of LDT and Human Performance Technology, which I utilize to continue furthering my understanding and knowledge of LDT concepts and topics. In addition, I am also an active member of the Utah State Government e-Learning Committee, and attend monthly meetings to discuss updates within the Utah State Government e-learning community. Within this committee, we actively share ideas, put on workshops for new techniques and practices we are using, and seek help and guidance on projects we are working on.

How this Competency Will Assist Me Professionally
As I mentioned above I am still far from being an ID expert, and the only way for me to ever become one is to continue growing my own knowledge and skills. I am passionate about LDT and have enjoyed this program, yet I am ready to begin moving forward in my career, to take over the reins in regards to my own learning. Learning truly is a life-long process, and I hope to continue learning through reading research articles, conducting my own research, and practicing the skills I have learned in this program. A teacher can only teach so much, the only true way to become an expert is by taking control of one’s own learning.